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Inspace is under threat! The villainous NEGA-U and his army of inspace demons are trying to destroy the sanctity of inspace and only you can stop them. Until that threat is neutralized you won’t be able to access the skills needed to bridge your graduate research to the audience outside of inspace that desperately needs it.

NEGA-U’s mission: to effectively destroy any possibility for you to have your work make sense to anybody else.

Your mission: to defeat NEGA-U and his army of inspace demons.


What To Expect

The game is played through a combination of automated emails, this website, and you rising to the challenges presented within each level. All challenges will require you to go out into the real world to practice your communication skills in order to defeat NEGA-U and his five demon bosses. 


Your Guide

Guiding you through the Game will be Dr. Tony Eng. He is a senior lecturer for MIT’s Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department who specializes in communication. He will help you defeat NEGA-U by providing advice and guidance through each level’s challenge.


Bare Bones

By signing up, using your preferred email address, you’ll receive access to:

  • A series of 8 game emails
  • Unlimited access to gameplay
  • Unlimited access to hidden levels

Email Trigger Buttons

Once you sign-up for the game emails (below) you’ll receive the first one almost instantly. We’ve gone with a “self-paced” model of gameplay to ensure the game is as quick and fun as you’re able to play it. Subsequent emails will only be sent to you when you click on a certain trigger within the email. Note that there will most likely be a delay of 2-5 minutes between clicking the trigger within the email and the subsequent email. The trigger will always be at the end of the email and look like the button above. Once you click it the next email will be sent to you. Do this until you have received all 8 emails. 


Hard Mode

To make the game as skimmable as possible we’ve created two gameplay modes: “NORMAL” and “HARD“.

To play in NORMAL mode all you need to do is read the emails and do the challenges as they are presented (…or, simply get all the emails without rising to the challenge – it’s your game).

For the brave few who seek to rise to the challenge of HARD mode, look for the button within each email that looks like this graphic. Once you click on it, you will find secret sublevels within each NORMAL mode level. If you want to get the most benefits from gameplay, we suggest you play the game in HARD mode. 


Oh, and if you ever get lost or need help…

Click on that little arrow at the bottom of each page on the website. All the links to everything are there.

If you need help and it isn’t there, email us at